Hubs and I talked about a patio versus a deck since day one. We settled on a patio so that our yard stays open and wide. Over the past couple of weekends we have visited places to price pavers and have played with the design using Google Sketchup. Just lask weekend, we settled on our design and purchased our first bit of pavers.. for the retaining wall. We have this awkward slope on the one side of the house which also happens to be the best place for the patio. We figured we needed to build a 1.5 to 2 foot high wall on the one side of the patio, wrap around our current planting bed, then swerve back to the porch door. Yes, I know, it is hard to imagine. I will upload our sketch-up design soon.
Anyways, with a pallet of Pavestone pavers back at the house, Hubs and I tackled the excavation, footer setting bed, and stacking pavers for the wall.
Excavating the Trench for our Retaining Wall |
Adding a Pavestone Setting Bed for the First Row of Pavers |
Building 'The Wall'
I must admit, although it make me cringe, our wall FELL over Wednesday due to water in the footers and probably the weight of the water in the poly cover. BOO. So this weekend we will hopefully be able to tilt the wall back up with little re-work.