I turned 28 on Sunday. It was an awesome day. After spending all day Saturday working on the bathroom, celebrating my birthday was a breath of fresh air. We woke up and headed to our favorite diner for breakfast. Then we went to 2 wineries - Swedenburg Winery and La Grange Winery. Headed home to make some dinner - salmon and salad - then topped it off with a trip for my favorite dessert - frozen yogurt!
Swedenburg Winery |
La Grange Winery |
Yay to 28!
But, I'll be honest, 28 was a little difficult to swallow. I am officially in my 'late twenties' and the big 3-0 is approaching. I was suprised I had all those feelings - I never thought I would be the one to feel uneasy about reaching my late twenties. Its just that over the past couple of weeks I have been thinking plenty about life and making a bucket list of sorts/'arranging' my life to include things I want to accomplish these next 2 years. Maybe I am putting a little too mush pressure on myself (I tend to do those things) but I have some 'life goals' I would like to check off.
Here it goes, my bucket list of sorts:
- Save up some good ole cash to help fund, oh say, a kid
- Buy/Build a House. We love our place, but we are starting to feel a little 'pinched' in our tiny space. There just isn't enough room for all our hobbies like biking and boating and traveling and sewing and DIYing with tools. Plus Grouper would love a yard .. yup, he told me so.
- Start a family. We still have a couple of years until we want to expand, but I would like to start a family 'around' our 30s
- Travel far far away. My bff just moved to Australia. I have always wanted to go to Australia. Score. But this is something I definitely want to do before a baby comes. We also want to go to Alaska... soon.
- Work 'it out'. All relating to work. We are crossing our fingers for some good news in the next month or two. Hopefully I will have more to post on this soon.
There are all intertwined. Now I just have to enjoy the ride and not get wrapped up in goals. As a 'task oriented person' this may be difficult, but I am trying :)