Monday, January 6, 2014

A Drywall Frenzy

Last time I left off we had made such great progress and were ready for drywall.  Well, we kicked it into high gear and totally knocked out more drywall than I ever hope to see in the future.  It was something we thought about getting someone else to do, but in typical fashion, we knew we would save a boat load of money hanging the drywall ourselves ... so decided logic outweighed the crazy, or maybe that is the other way around.

In reality, we insulated and hung drywall in tandem - with me leading the insulation front and Hubs trailing slightly behind hanging drywall with my help as needed.  That is until we got to the ceiling part.  That my friends, was probably certifiable crazy - the two of us, with me on a ladder trying to hold up most of the drywall weight with Hubs on the other end using one hand to hold the drywall and the other to screw in the drywall.  Just imagine some bickering back and forth WHILE holding up drywall and then random uncontrollable laughter because we just realized, in fact, that we are crazy.

Anyway, let me break this down in photos for you, with progress by room:

Family Room

Laundry Room


Storage/Hubs' Room

Spare Room

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