Friday, November 30, 2012

My Kid* Grouper

* and by kid, I mean dog ... but really, I swear he is mostly human.

These pictures are proof.

Tucking Grouper into Bed

Tired Puppy ...
Ok, let me preface this.  Last night, we coaxed Grouper to come to bed (as we do every night) which means waking him up from sleeping on his bed in the Living Room, dragging his posterpedic (oh yest it is!!  for another story) into the Bedroom, at which time he plops back down and continued to dream about what-not.  Well last night, after his plop, he curled into the tightest little ball on his bed (it may have something to do with the fact that our thermostat is set to 66).  He looked cold!  So, I said to Hubs 'ohh puppy, why don't I just get you a little blankie' in my granniest voice ever.  Grabbed a towel and covered him up.  He then posed for a whole minute with the towel in his mouth until I got my camera (I swear!).  So, with that Kodak moment, I was like 'why not give this puppy a pillow  too?!'  And, would you believe it (it was as if he was a movie star) he yawned that large yawn and plopped his head right on that pillow. 

Now that is a domesticated animal (or as my dad would say, spoil't) if I have ever seen one :)

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