Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Giuliana & Bill: Obsessed

The show 'Giuliana & Bill' has been replaying on E! on Sunday's over the past month or so.  I caught parts of Season 5 replay during our patio install breaks.  One rainy Sunday (can't remember when) I was able to watch a couple of the shows, DVRed the rest, and was hooked.  So much, that I just had to watch Seasons 1 through 4 that I missed. 

So, like any normal person, I signed up for a free month of Netflix (after spending $2.99 a show on FIOS to complete the first part of Season 5) and have completed Season 1 & 2 in record time - 4 days.  Now, do take into consideration that these first episodes were 30 minutes long, and without commercials, that makes them a whopping 20 minutes.  10 eposides per season that totals a whopping 200 minutes of viewing per episode.  So, 7 hours in 4 days.  And, there was literally no other show watching that went on.  Is that a lot?  Am I making too many excuses.  Oh, well, I love it!

I even was able to get Hubs 'into' the show.  Watching 4 episodes in a row is a little much for him, but he is totally on board with watching 1 or 2.  Out of all the reality TV show watching I make him watch (remember, we only have 1 TV), he likes it.  He likes their personalities. 

Anywho, I just made it through the first part of their fertility issues.  I, like so many other women out there, are concerned about the whole 'baby-making' ordeal.  For so long you try not to get pregnant, and then when you are ready, it can be tough.  Not only is there such a small window to get pregnant each month, you have age, time, and possible other issues that start to work against you.  Ay carumba.  I am intrigued, nonetheless, and can't wait to tune in and watch Season 3 and 4 (where can I get this for 'free' or a low rate..hmm). 

And as for Giuliana & Bill, she is fab - totally funny and dorky.  They are one 'reality TV couple' that seem perfect for each other. 

Plus, I love their fab new home!  See it here.


  1. Uggg, I did not need to know this was on Netflix. I used to watch all of the time. Guess my day is wasted. ;P

    1. Oh, how I have wasted away many afternoons watching the other Seasons. Have fun!
