Monday, April 8, 2013

Moss Away

I may have mentioned, I may have not, that we have TONS of moss in our yard.  It is the one thing our yard needs major help on.  Shrubs and flowers - we have plenty; Grass - we have none!

During our last Home Depot trip, we found the Lawn and Garden expert who recommended a product to treat moss.  I am pretty sure it is called 'Moss Out', but I will update if not.  We put 2 bags of 'Moss Out' in the fertilizer machine and treated the yard.  You are then supposed to water the lawn so that the granules dissolve and begin treating the moss.  We just waited for it to rain that night (that was planned). 

So, this weekend, we were ready seed and fertilize the backyard.

First, we raked up the moss.  Because we had soooo much moss, we literally had to rake every square inch of the backyard.  Even in places where we had some decent grasss we found out that there was a nice moss undercoat hiding out.
Moss Piles
Next, we built a compost bin so we could spare sending these clippings to the dump.  I don't have pics yet.. oops

It was amazing to see just how brown our backyard is.
Brown Yard
Then we headed to the Nursery and bough 1 yard of topsoil to spread thinly overtop the yard.  This fills in holes and gives the seed something to 'grab' (right?  I will have to ask hubs).

After brunch on Sunday we headed back to the backyard and spread about 1.5 bags of Rebel Shade Grass mix.  Topped it off with Scotts Starter Fertilizer.  And spent the rest of the evening watering every square inch of the yard.

We now have to attempt to figure out a watering schedule - the mornings are going to be tough, but I am pretty sure this is a requirement if we have any hopes of growing grass.

Oh, and trying to keep the dog off the yard.  Bonus tough.

Oh, and we bought 2 more colorful adirondacks chairs!

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